Your patients are online and (almost) every one of them uses email. Once they have found you online, continue the relationship with email marketing to build loyalty with your patients.

Email marketing is the lower cost option to traditional marketing formats like direct mailers. It allows you the opportunity to directly inform your patients of seasonal offers and last minute openings, to communicate important practice updates, and to stay top of mind to your patient base.

Inbox Therapy!

Best of all, email marketing allows for results that can be easily measured. By tracking new subscribers, open rates, click-through rates and more, your practice can quickly determine what messaging speaks to your patient base best.

We offer full email marketing services to our physicians and their practices. From setting the right tone in the email subject line to timing the delivery of your email for the best open rates, we handle the details while you answer the appointment calls.

Find Out Why Your Marketing Is Under The Weather!

Our commitment is an initial complimentary consultation.
We invite you to meet with our award-winning Chief Marketing Officer,
who will be able to assess your case,
and provide you with the next steps.